Source code for plotting

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Created on Tue Jan 16 09:32:22 2018
# @author: hsauro

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Plotting Utilities
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import tellurium as _te

from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D as _Axes3D
import numpy as _np
import matplotlib.pyplot as _plt 
import random

[docs]def plotAsciiConcentrationsBar (r, scale=5): ''' Display the floating species concentrations as an ASCII bar chart. Args: r : roadrunner instance scale : (integer) optional parameter to scale the ascii bar graph Example: >>> teUtils.plotting.plotAsciiConcentrationsBar (r, scale=20) ''' import math c = r.getFloatingSpeciesConcentrations() ids = r.getFloatingSpeciesIds() maxString = len (max(ids, key=len)) for value in range (len (c)): print ('{:{X}.{Y}}'.format (ids[value], X=maxString, Y=maxString), ':', math.trunc (scale*c[value])*'*')
[docs]def plotAsciiReactionRatesBar (r, scale=5): ''' Display the reaction rates as an ASCII bar chart. Args: r : roadrunner instance. scale : (integer) optional parameter to scale the ascii bar graph Example: >>> teUtils.plotting.plotAsciiReactionRatesBar (r, scale=20) ''' import math c = r.getReactionRates() ids = r.getReactionIds() maxString = len (max(ids, key=len)) for value in range (len (c)): print ('{:{X}.{Y}}'.format (ids[value], X=maxString, Y=maxString), ':', math.trunc (scale*c[value])*'*')
[docs]def plotRandSimGrid (r, species=[], pdfExport=None, figsize=(11,8), maxRange=10, endTime=200, numPoints=500, ngrid=20): ''' Plots a grid of simulations, each simulation is based on the same model but randomly drawn parameter values. Args: r : roadrunner instance figsize : (tuple of float) optional: width and heigh of plot in inches endtime : (double) optional: time to simulate to numPoints: (double) optional: numberof points to generate for the plot ngrid : (integer) optional: the size of the grid, default is 20 x 20 plots maxRange: (double) optional: upper range for randomly drawn parameter values pdfExport : (string) optional parameter, indicates the filename to export the plot as a pdf file Example: >>> teUtils.plotting.plotPhasePortraitGrid (r) ''' print ("Starting....") slist = sorted (r.getFloatingSpeciesIds()) if species == []: n = r.getNumFloatingSpecies() else: slist = species n = len (species) + 1 slist = ['time'] + slist print ('Creating subplots (will take a while for a large grid)...') fig, axarr = _plt.subplots(ngrid, ngrid, figsize=figsize) print ("Adjust subplots...") fig.subplots_adjust (wspace=0.15, hspace=0.15) print ("Run simulations and populate grid....") count = 0 for i in range(ngrid): for j in range(ngrid): r.reset() for k in r.getGlobalParameterIds(): r[k] = random.random()*maxRange m = r.simulate (0, endTime, numPoints, slist) count += 1 ax = _plt.subplot2grid ((ngrid,ngrid), (i,j)) if i==n-1: ax.set_xlabel ('Time') ax.set_xticklabels([]) else: ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_xticks([]) if j == 0: ax.set_yticklabels([]) else: ax.set_yticks([]) for k in range (n-1): ax.plot (m[:,0],m[:,k+1]) if pdfExport != None: fig.savefig(pdfExport)
[docs]def plotPhasePortraitGrid (r, pdfExport=None, figsize=(11,8), endTime=200, numPoints=500): ''' Plots a grid of phase portraits of the floating species concentrations. Args: r : roadrunner instance figsize : (tuple of float) optional: width and heigh of plot in inches endtime : (double) optional: time to simulate to numPoints: (double) optional: numberof points to generate for the plot pdfExport : (string) optional parameter, indicates the filename to export the plot as a pdf file Example: >>> teUtils.plotting.plotPhasePortraitGrid (r) ''' print ("Starting....") slist = sorted (r.getFloatingSpeciesIds()) r.reset() print ('Run simulation...') m = r.simulate (0, endTime, numPoints, slist) n = r.getNumFloatingSpecies() print ('Creating subplots (will take a while for a large grid)...') fig, axarr = _plt.subplots(n, n, figsize=figsize) print ("Adjust subplots...") fig.subplots_adjust (wspace=0.15, hspace=0.15) count = 0 for i in range(n): for j in range(n): count += 1 ax = _plt.subplot2grid ((n,n), (i,j)) if i==n-1: ax.set_xlabel (slist[j]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) else: ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_xticks([]) if j == 0: ax.set_ylabel (slist[i]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) else: ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.plot (m[:,i], m[:,j]) if pdfExport != None: fig.savefig(pdfExport)
[docs]def plotConcentrationControlHeatMap (r, pdfExport=None, annotations=True, figsize=(13,7), vmin=-1, vmax=1): ''' Display the concentation control coefficients as a heat map Args: r : roadrunner instance pdfExport : (string) optional: indicates the filename to export the heat map image to in the form of pdf annotations (boolean) optional : used to draw values on teh heatmap cells figsize : (tutle of double) optional: sets the size of the plot, eg figsize=(10,5) vmin : (double) optional: set the lower limit for the range vmac : (double) optional: set the upper limit for the range Example: >>> teUtils.plotting.plotConcentrationControlHeatMap (r, pdfExport='heapmap.pdf') ''' import seaborn as sns import pandas as pd hist = r.getScaledConcentrationControlCoefficientMatrix() ss = r.getFloatingSpeciesIds() rr = ["E" + str(x) for x in range (r.getNumReactions())] df = pd.DataFrame (hist, columns=rr, index=ss) f, ax = _plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) hp = sns.heatmap(df, annot=annotations, fmt="5.2f", linewidths=.5, ax=ax,cmap='bwr', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) if pdfExport != None: f.savefig(pdfExport)
[docs]def plotFluxControlHeatMap (r, pdfExport=None, annotations=True, figsize=(13,7), vmin=-1, vmax=1): ''' Display the flux control coefficients as a heat map Args: r : roadrunner instance pdfExport : (string) optional parameter, if present it should indicate the filename to export the heat map image to in the form of pdf annotations : (boolean) used to draw values on teh heatmap cells figsize : (tuple of double) sets the size of the plot, eg figsize=(10,5) vmin : (double) set the lower limit for the range vmax : (double) set the upper limit for the range Example: >>> teUtils.plotting.plotFluxControlHeatMap (r, pdfExport='heapmap.pdf') ''' import seaborn as sns import pandas as pd hist = r.getScaledFluxControlCoefficientMatrix() ss = r.getReactionIds() rr = ["E" + str(x) for x in range (r.getNumReactions())] df = pd.DataFrame (hist, columns=rr, index=ss) f, ax = _plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) hp = sns.heatmap(df, annot=annotations, fmt="5.2f", linewidths=.5, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, ax=ax, cmap='bwr') if pdfExport != None: f.savefig(pdfExport)
[docs]def plotFluxControlBar (r, reactionId, figsize=(13,7)): ''' Plots a graph bar graph of the flux control coefficients Args: r : roadrunner instance reactionid (string) reactionId for the flux control figsize : (tuple of float) optional width and heigh of plot in inches Example: >>> teUtils.plotting.plotFluxControlBar (r, 'J1', figsize=(12,6)) ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt cc = r.getScaledFluxControlCoefficientMatrix() rIds = r.getReactionIds() index = rIds.index (reactionId) row = cc[index,:] _plt.figure(figsize=figsize), row, label=reactionId) _plt.xticks(range (len (rIds)), rIds, ha='right', rotation=45) _plt.legend()
[docs]def plotConcentrationControlBar (r, speciesId, figsize=(13,7)): ''' Plots a graph bar graph of the concentration control coefficients Args: r : roadrunner instance speciesid : (string) speciesId for the concentration control figsize : (tuple of float) optional: width and heigh of plot in inches Example: >>> teUtils.plotting.plotConcentrationControlBar (r, 'Glucose', figsize=(12,6)) ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt cc = r.getScaledConcentrationControlCoefficientMatrix() spIds = r.getFloatingSpeciesIds() rIds = r.getReactionIds() index = spIds.index (speciesId) row = cc[index,:] print (row) print (rIds) _plt.figure(figsize=figsize), row, label=speciesId) _plt.xticks(range (len (rIds)), rIds, ha='right', rotation=45) _plt.legend()
[docs]def plotArrayHeatMap (data, pdfExport=None, annotations=True, figsize=(13,7), vmin=-1, vmax=1): ''' Display the flux control coefficients as a heat map Args: r : roadrunner instance pdfExport : (string) optional parameter, if present it should indicate the filename to export the heat map image to in the form of pdf annotations : (boolean) used to draw values on teh heatmap cells figsize : (tuple) sets the size of the plot, eg figsize=(10,5) vmin : (double) set the lower limit for the range vmax : (double) set the upper limit for the range Example: >>> teUtils.plotting.plotFluxControlHeatMap (r, pdfExport='heapmap.pdf') ''' import seaborn as sns import pandas as pd #ss = r.getReactionIds() #rr = ["E" + str(x) for x in range (r.getNumReactions())] df = pd.DataFrame (data) f, ax = _plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) hp = sns.heatmap(df, annot=annotations, fmt="5.2f", linewidths=.5, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, ax=ax, cmap='bwr') if pdfExport != None: f.savefig(pdfExport)
[docs]def plotConcentrationControlIn3D (r, upperLimit=1, lowerLimit=-1, figsize=(10, 8)): ''' Display the concentation control coefficients as a 3D plot Args: r : roadrunner instance upperlimit : (float) optional parameter, sets the lower z axis limit upperlimit : (float) optional parameter, sets the upper z axis limit figsize : (tuble of float) optional: width and heigh of plot in inches Example: >>> teUtils.plotting.plotConcentrationControlIn3D (r) ''' import matplotlib.colors as colors import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cm fig = _plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') hist = r.getScaledConcentrationControlCoefficientMatrix() xedges = _np.arange (float (hist.shape[0]) + 1) yedges = _np.arange (float (hist.shape[1]) + 1) # Construct arrays for the anchor positions # Note: _np.meshgrid gives arrays in (ny, nx) so we use 'F' to flatten xpos, # ypos in column-major order. For numpy >= 1.7, we could instead call meshgrid # with indexing='ij'. xpos, ypos = _np.meshgrid(xedges[:-1] + 0.25, yedges[:-1] + 0.25) xpos = xpos.flatten('F') ypos = ypos.flatten('F') zpos = _np.zeros_like(xpos) # Construct arrays with the dimensions for the 16 bars. dx = 0.5 * _np.ones_like(zpos) dy = dx.copy() dz = hist.flatten() offset = dz + _np.abs(dz.min()) fracs = offset.astype(float)/offset.max() norm = colors.Normalize(fracs.min(), fracs.max()) colors = cm.YlOrRd (norm(fracs)) ax.set_zlim3d(lowerLimit, upperLimit) ax.set_zlabel('Control Coefficient') ax.set_xlabel('Species') ax.set_ylabel('Enzymes') ax.xaxis.set_ticks(_np.arange (float (hist.shape[0]))) ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels(r.getFloatingSpeciesIds()) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(_np.arange (float (hist.shape[1]))) #ax.yaxis.set_ticks(ypos + dy/2.) ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels(r.getReactionIds()) ax.bar3d (xpos, ypos, zpos, dx, dy, dz, color=colors, zsort='average')
[docs]def plotFluxControlIn3D (r, upperLimit=1, lowerLimit=-1, figsize=(9, 7)): ''' Display the flux control coefficients as a 3D plot Args: r : roadrunner instance upperlimit : (float) optional parameter, sets the lower z axis limit upperlimit : (float) optional parameter, sets the upper z axis limit figsize : (tuble of float) optional: width and heigh of plot in inches Example: >>> teUtils.plotting.plotFluxControlIn3D (r) ''' import as cm import matplotlib.colors as colors fig = _plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') hist = r.getScaledFluxControlCoefficientMatrix() xedges = _np.arange (float (hist.shape[0]) + 1) yedges = _np.arange (float (hist.shape[1]) + 1) # Construct arrays for the anchor positions # Note: _np.meshgrid gives arrays in (ny, nx) so we use 'F' to flatten xpos, # ypos in column-major order. For numpy >= 1.7, we could instead call meshgrid # with indexing='ij'. xpos, ypos = _np.meshgrid(xedges[:-1] + 0.25, yedges[:-1] + 0.25) xpos = xpos.flatten('F') ypos = ypos.flatten('F') zpos = _np.zeros_like(xpos) # Construct arrays with the dimensions for the 16 bars. dx = 0.5 * _np.ones_like(zpos) dy = dx.copy() dz = hist.flatten() offset = dz + _np.abs(dz.min()) fracs = offset.astype(float)/offset.max() norm = colors.Normalize(fracs.min(), fracs.max()) colors = cm.YlOrRd (norm(fracs)) ax.set_zlim3d(lowerLimit, upperLimit) ax.set_zlabel('Control Coefficient') ax.set_xlabel('Fluxes') ax.set_ylabel('Enzymes') ax.xaxis.set_ticks(_np.arange (float (hist.shape[0]))) ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels(r.getReactionIds()) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(_np.arange (float (hist.shape[1]))) print (hist.shape) ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels(r.getReactionIds()) ax.bar3d (xpos, ypos, zpos, dx, dy, dz, color=colors, zsort='average')
[docs]def plotReactionRates (r, figsize=(12,6)): ''' Plots a graph bar graph of the reaction rates Args: r : roadrunner instance figsize : (tuple of float) optional: width and heigh of plot in inches Example: >>> teUtils.plotting.plotReactionRates (r, figsize=(12,6)) ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt xlabels = r.getReactionIds() rates = r.getReactionRates() _plt.figure(figsize=figsize), rates, label=xlabels) _plt.xticks(range (len (xlabels)), xlabels, ha='right', rotation=45)
[docs]def plotFloatingSpecies (r, figsize=(12,6)): ''' Plots a graph bar graph of the floating species concentrations. Args: r : roadrunner instance figsize : (tuple of float) optional: width and heigh of plot in inches Example: >>> teUtils.plotting.plotFloatingSpecies (r, figsize=(12,6)) ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt xlabels = r.getFloatingSpeciesIds() concs = r.getFloatingSpeciesConcentrations() _plt.figure(figsize=figsize), concs, label=xlabels) _plt.xticks(range (len (xlabels)), xlabels, ha='right', rotation=45)
[docs]def plotArray(result, loc='upper right', show=True, resetColorCycle=True, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, title=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, xscale='linear', yscale="linear", grid=False, labels=None, **kwargs): ''' Plot a 2D graph based on an array where the first column is the x-axis The first column of the array must be the x-axis and remaining columns the y-axis. Note that you can add plotting options as named key values after the array. To add a legend, include the label legend values: te.plotArray (m, labels=['Label 1, 'Label 2', etc]) Make sure you include as many labels as there are curves to plot! Use show=False to add multiple curves. Use color='red' to use the same color for every curve. Args: r : roadrunner instance Returns: Returns a handle to the plotting object. Example: >>> import numpy as np >>> result = _np.array([[1,2,3], [7.2,6.5,8.8], [9.8, 6.5, 4.3]]) >>> te.plotArray(result, title="My graph', xlim=((0, 5))) ''' # FIXME: unify r.plot & _te.plot (lots of code duplication) # reset color cycle (columns in repeated simulations have same color) if resetColorCycle: _plt.gca().set_prop_cycle(None) if 'linewidth' not in kwargs: kwargs['linewidth'] = 2.0 # get the labeles Ncol = result.shape[1] if labels is None: labels = result.dtype.names for k in range(1, Ncol): if loc is None or labels is None: # no legend or labels p = _plt.plot(result[:, 0], result[:, k], **kwargs) else: p = _plt.plot(result[:, 0], result[:, k], label=labels[k-1], **kwargs) # labels if xlabel is not None: _plt.xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: _plt.ylabel(ylabel) if title is not None: _plt.title(title) if xlim is not None: _plt.xlim(xlim) if ylim is not None: _plt.ylim(ylim) # axis and grids _plt.xscale(xscale) _plt.yscale(yscale) _plt.grid(grid) # show legend if loc is not None and labels is not None: _plt.legend(loc=loc) # show plot if show: return p
def plotWithLegend(r, result=None, loc='upper left', show=True, **kwargs): return r.plot(result=result, loc=loc, show=show, **kwargs)
[docs]def testme(): """ Call this method to try out the methods in this module""" r = _te.loada(""" J1: $Xo -> S1; k1*Xo - k11*S1; J2: S1 -> S2; k2*S1 - k22*S2; J3: S2 -> S3; k3*S2 - k33*S3; J4: S3 -> S4; k3*S3 - k44*S4; J5: S4 -> S5; k4*S4 - k44*S5; J6: S5 -> S6; k5*S5 - k55*S6; J7: S6 -> S7; k4*S6 - k44*S7; J8: S7 -> S8; k3*S7 - k33*S8; J9: S8 -> ; k4*S8; k1 = 0.3; k11 = 0.26; k2 = 0.5; k22 = 0.41; k3 = 0.27; k33 = 0.12; k4 = 0.9; k44 = 0.56 k5 = 0.14; k55 = 0.02 Xo = 10; """) import teUtils r.steadyState() teUtils.plotting.plotFloatingSpecies (r) teUtils.plotting.plotConcentrationControlIn3D (r) teUtils.plotting.plotFluxControlIn3D (r, lowerLimit=0) teUtils.plotting.plotConcentrationControlHeatMap (r) teUtils.plotting.plotFluxControlHeatMap (r)
if __name__ == "__main__": import teUtils r = _te.loada(""" J1: $Xo -> S1; k1*Xo - k11*S1; J2: S1 -> S2; k2*S1 - k22*S2; J3: S2 -> S3; k3*S2 - k33*S3; J4: S3 -> S4; k3*S3 - k44*S4; J5: S4 -> S5; k4*S4 - k44*S5; J6: S5 -> S6; k5*S5 - k55*S6; J7: S6 -> S7; k4*S6 - k44*S7; J8: S7 -> S8; k3*S7 - k33*S8; J9: S8 -> ; k4*S8; k1 = 0.3; k11 = 0.26; k2 = 0.5; k22 = 0.41; k3 = 0.27; k33 = 0.12; k4 = 0.9; k44 = 0.56 k5 = 0.14; k55 = 0.02 Xo = 10; """) m = r.simulate(0, 100,200) teUtils.plotting.plotArray (m) teUtils.plotting.plotWithLegend (r, m) r.steadyState() teUtils.plotting.plotFloatingSpecies (r, figsize=(6,3)) teUtils.plotting.plotConcentrationControlIn3D (r) teUtils.plotting.plotFluxControlIn3D (r, lowerLimit=0) teUtils.plotting.plotConcentrationControlHeatMap (r) teUtils.plotting.plotFluxControlHeatMap (r)